Speaking Engagements

Forisk presentations provide a direct and engaging way to access Forisk research and increase the success of your company or organizational event.

Forisk principals Dr. Brooks Mendell and Ms. Amanda Lang provide keynote and conference presentations for annual meetings and internal conferences related to wood bioenergy, timberland investment vehicles and forest industry strategy and risk management.

Dr. Brooks Mendell

Dr. Brooks Mendell has delivered approximately 50 keynotes, workshops and lectures per year for the past ten years.  An award-winning speaker and entertaining and engaging lecturer in both English and Spanish, Brooks works to customize key messages and insights to the target audience. [Please schedule Brooks six to twelve months in advance.]

 Keynotes topics
  • Forests, Fuel and Finance
  • Timberland Risks and Investment Strategies
  • Wood Bioenergy and Fun House Mirrors
Conference presentations
  • Accounting for Inflation in Timber Forecasts
  • Discount Rates for Domestic and Overseas Timberland Investments
  • Forest Industry Demand and Stumpage Price Expectations

Amanda Hamsley Lang

Amanda Hamsley Lang is a leading expert in U.S. wood bioenergy markets.  An award-winning researcher and experienced instructor, Amanda tailors her presentations to focus on the local projects and markets of interest to your organization and audience.

Conference presentations
  • Forest Industry Demand and Stumpage Price Expectations
  • Wood Demand and Bioenergy in [STATE]
    • Tailored presentation for any state in the continental U.S.; includes state-specific, detailed update on the wood bioenergy sector along with a state-level and regional update on the forest products industry.
    • Ideal presentation for state or regional forestry association annual meeting.