Thinking Beyond Deviations: Changes that Could Disrupt the Forest Industry, Part II

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Timber Market Analysis, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

World events and shifting in capital markets increase our awareness and interest in the broader range of disruptions potentially relevant to forestry. How should we think about these? The first post in this series summarized the current economic situation in more…

Thinking Beyond Deviations: Changes that Could Disrupt the Forest Industry, Part I

| comments (2) in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Forisk, Risk Management, Timber Market Analysis, Timber REITs, Timberlands

Forest industry press covers the capital investments in mills, housing starts, lumber prices, and consolidation across the forest industry supply chain. The question then comes up with colleagues and clients: what are we missing? What topics, themes and drivers should more…

Southern Lumber Producers: Past, Present, and Future

| comments (6) in Forest Finance & Economics, Wood Demand & Procurement

After yet another consolidating acquisition of southern sawmills, it seems like an opportune moment to review the changing profile of the softwood lumber industry in the U.S. South. At the end of 2008 – the early days of the housing more…