Pulpwood Paradise

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Introduction Pulpwood, the smaller trees typically chipped for making wood pulp or oriented strand board (OSB) or wood pellets, provides balance and diversification to the forest products industry. Robust, sustainable timber markets and wood baskets feature a broad set of more…

Turning Wood Flows into Cash Flows: Key Messages from the 2022 Conference

| no comments in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Forisk, Forisk Market Bulletin, Forisk Wood Fiber Review, Pulp & Paper, Softwood Lumber, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Bioenergy, Wood Demand & Procurement, Wood Flows & Cash Flows

On August 25th, 2022, Forisk hosted its sixth annual “Wood Flows & Cash Flows” conference, with attendees participating virtually from across 22 states, three Canadian provinces and three continents. The one-day event provided a comprehensive review of research relevant to more…