Does Your Wood Market Balance? Know Your Numbers for Timber, Lumber, Pulp and Panel Capacity

| no comments in Structural Panels, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Timberlands, Wood Bioenergy, Wood Demand & Procurement

In the show “Shark Tank”, a key lesson from watching entrepreneurs get grilled by Kevin O’Leary and company is the importance of knowing your numbers. The questions are always the same, so showing up unprepared is, frankly, inexcusable. What are more…

Forisk Forecast: Six Reasons Why Timber Prices in the South Do Not Track U.S. Housing Starts Today

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Technology, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Wood Demand & Procurement

This is the fourth in a series related to Forisk’s Q2 2017 forest industry analysis and timber price forecasts for the United States. From 2009 through 2016, U.S. housing starts increased 112%, a compound annual rate exceeding 11%. Over this more…

The Long View: How Forest Supplies Track Housing Starts and Timber Prices

| comment (1) in Forest Finance & Economics, Stumpage Forecasting, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

In September 2012, Forisk published analysis of timber markets across the U.S. South that estimated how excess sawtimber inventories could dampen or delay the “strengthening” of pine sawtimber and chip-n-saw prices in local timber markets.  Specifically, we wrote: “…the effect more…