Timberland Ownership and Wood Supply Agreements

| comments (2) in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Risk Management, Timber Market Analysis, Timber REITs, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement, Wood Prices

Investing in wood-using mills and timberlands requires having a strategy about how to “feed” the mill or how to “market” the trees. These efforts raise questions about the relative value of vertical integration, where one firm owns mills and forests, more…

Maximizing Value from Timberlands and Wood Baskets: What is Our Current Paradigm?

| comment (1) in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Risk Management, Timber Market Analysis, Timber REITs, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

When it comes to managing a forest or procuring wood or running a mill or analyzing a market, the “safest” and most productive posture for any professional is to understand what you’re looking at (transparency) and to know what to more…

Wood Demand Revisited: Bioenergy, Building Products, and Carbon Markets

| no comments in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Forest Strategy, Forest Technology, Timber Market Analysis, Timber REITs, Timberlands, Wood Bioenergy, Wood Demand & Procurement, Wood Flows & Cash Flows

Forisk’s Annual “Wood Flows & Cash Flows” Conference will happen virtually on Thursday, August 25th. In addition to covering financial issues related to timberland investments, stress on the forest industry supply chain, and projected forest industry capacity by sector across North America, the event more…

Timberland 2020: Forisk Publishes Analysis of Coronavirus and Recessions on Timber Investments

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Forisk, Timber REITs, Timberlands

In the current coronavirus pandemic and recessionary environment, do traditional reasons for holding timberland investments still apply? In Timberland 2020: From High Hopes to Viral Mopes and Back Again, Forisk compares the long and short-term performance of private timberlands to more…