US Treasuries, Private Timberlands and Timber REIT Investment Returns

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Executive Summary:  all timberland investment vehicles exceed US Treasury benchmarks over long time frames; timber REIT dividend distributions enhance yields to help offset short term share price volatility. U.S. Treasuries remain a common benchmark for private timberland investments.  Why?  Relative more…

Timber REITs: PCH Dividend and Harvest Reductions Demonstrate Prudent Asset Management

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Years ago, I held shares in Crown Pacific Partners, a timberland-owning firm headquartered in Portland, Oregon.  During market declines in the late 1990s, the firm subsidized its shareholder distributions through borrowing and cash generated from non-organic business activities.  In other more…

Do Timber REITs Lead or Ride the Coattails of Investor Interest in Real Estate Markets?

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Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported on the rush of investors buying into publicly-traded real estate investment trusts (“Real-estate investors target neighborhood that is looking up,” Wall Street Journal, 11/15/11).  According to Citigroup Global Markets, investors, year-to-date, invested 18% more…

What Can Marching Bands Teach Us About Tracking Wood Demand and Timber Markets?

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When tracking wood demand and timber markets, we look not only to the past and to the future for guidance, but also to the side – peripherally – to gauge performance across markets and sectors.  Heather Clark, our Customer Relations more…