Do Timber REITs Lead or Ride the Coattails of Investor Interest in Real Estate Markets?

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Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported on the rush of investors buying into publicly-traded real estate investment trusts (“Real-estate investors target neighborhood that is looking up,” Wall Street Journal, 11/15/11).  According to Citigroup Global Markets, investors, year-to-date, invested 18% more…

How Creditworthy are the Public Timber REITs? A Rating Agency Update

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Last week, Fitch Ratings raised its outlook on Weyerhaeuser (WY) from “negative” to “stable” and affirmed its rating at “BB+”.  Fitch justified the action primarily on WY’s Pulp business and core Timberland operations, though the rating agency recognized that the more…

Who are the Top Owners and Managers of Timberland in the US?

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According to Forisk tracking of timberland ownership, 58 firms currently own or manage in excess of 100,000 acres of timberlands in the United States.  These firms feature the following descriptive statistics: As a group, they own/manage 57.6 million acres of more…

Timber REITs: Weyerhaeuser Timber Segment Positioned to Outperform South-wide Average

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Two-thirds of the nearly 6.2 million acres that Weyerhaeuser (WY) owns and leases in the United States are located in the South.  Our Equity Research team matched WY’s timberland acres to Forisk’s state-by-state forecast of stumpage prices and wood demand more…