Timber REITs Outpace S&P in 2011 Based on Long and Short-Term Market Factors

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From the desk of Neena Mishra, Director of Equity Research: The Forisk Timber REIT (FTR) Index of public timberland-owning real estate investment trusts (REITs) continues to outpace the overall market in 2011, returning 23.78% year-to-date compared with 6.19% for the more…

Wood Bioenergy: 55% of Announced Demand Considered Viable; New Study of Cellulosic Ethanol Projects Provides Insights

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As of March 30, 2011, Wood Bioenergy US tracked 451 wood-consuming, announced and operating bioenergy projects in the continental US.  Electricity (biopower) and wood pellet projects dominate the Forisk database (see table), while cellulosic ethanol projects continue to pursue multiple technologies more…

Cellulosic Ethanol Projects Enhance Viability Through End-Market Flexibility

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Regardless US Department of Agriculture efforts to continue funding for biofuel programs (“USDA opens application window for biofuel funding programs”), individual projects associated with cellulosic ethanol have expanded their end-market options to increase their probability of operational viability.  In short, more…

Wood Bioenergy: Project Count Edges Up; Future of Cellulosic Ethanol Uncertain

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As of January 30, 2011, Wood Bioenergy US counted 445 wood-consuming, announced and operating bioenergy projects in the continental US, up from 441 in December 2010.  In total, these projects – which include wood pellet, wood-to-electricity, and cellulosic ethanol projects – represent potential, more…

EPA Exempts Biomass Electricity; Smooths Path for Wood Bioenergy Projects

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From the desk of Amanda Lang, Managing Editor, Wood Bioenergy US: On January 12, 2011 the EPA announced that it will defer greenhouse-gas permitting requirements for facilities using biomass to make electricity (see “EPA Grants Greenhouse-Gas Rule Exemption”, wsj.com, 1/13/11). more…

Economic Analysis of Tailoring Rule Quantifies Potential Impacts on Renewable Energy Jobs, Investment

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Last week, Forisk completed a study titled “Economic and Regional Impact Analysis of the Treatment of Biomass Energy Under the EPA Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule.”  Commissioned by the National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO), the research identified 130 publicly-known and more…