In the spring of 2023, Forisk completed our fourth biennial survey of management practices for institutional and industrial timberland owners and managers (silviculture survey). The study focused on privately-owned lands in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and northern California. This report provides an analysis of silvicultural treatments including site preparation, planting, pre-commercial thinning, harvesting, and fertilization on 9.2 million acres compiled from 18 firms across the western United States.
Results are presented for the entire region and broken down into four sub-regions: East of the Cascades, Oregon west of the Cascades, Washington west of the Cascades, and California. The survey focused on forest management activities completed in 2022 (from January through December).
The 2023 Western Silviculture Survey report summarizes results on forest management practices and activities, and includes a copy of the survey instrument in the report Appendix. A comparison is provided to results in 2017, 2019, and 2021 for a subset of key silvicultural practices.
Data on costs and revenues for individual treatments are only shared with survey participants, and are not included in this particular report.

Purchase Details
- PDF report download; 10 pages
- Price: $750
List of Figures in 2023 Report:
Figure 1. Regions Evaluated in the 2023 Western Silviculture Survey
Figure 2. Timberland Acres Owned/Managed in U.S. West by Survey Participants
Figure 3. Acres Managed by Respondent Type (Millions)
Figure 4. Reported Site Index and Growth Rate
Figure 5. Site Preparation Treatments by Region
Figure 6. Acres Planted by Seedling Type (thousand)
Figure 7. Acres Planted with “Other” Seedlings
Figure 8. Survival of “Other” Seedlings
Figure 9. Planting Density and Survival Rates for Douglas-Fir and Western Hemlock
Figure 10. Prevalence of Herbaceous and Woody Competition Control
Figure 11. Acres Fertilized
Figure 12. Acres Impacted by Wildfires (thousand)
Figure 13. Pre-Commercial Thinning (PCT)
Figure 14. Total Silviculture Expenditure per Acre by Region
Figure 15. Commercial Thinning Characteristics
Figure 16. Final Harvest Characteristics
Figure 17. Comparison of Results with Previous Surveys