The Rise and Fall of Wood-Based Biofuels, Part II 


SKU: wbus-201307

Wood Bioenergy US, May / June / July 2013 Issue The Rise and Fall of Wood-Based Biofuels, Part II 


Wood Bioenergy US (WBUS) is a publication by Forisk Consulting that tracks, screens, and analyzes the wood bioenergy sector in the United States.

This issue’s feature, The Rise and Fall of Wood-Based Biofuels, Part II, completes a two part series on liquid biofuels. Analysis of publicly-traded firms and their wood biofuels projects reinforces previous conclusions that prospects for wood-based biofuel markets and investments in the U.S. remain speculative.  Critical risk factors include government mandates and its willingness and ability to enforce these mandates.  Ethanol-related production efforts operate in an over-supplied, low-demand market. High production costs for wood biofuels, even as firms show progress and improve yields, actually can look worse on a relative basis as the prices for alternative fuels, such as natural gas, decline. In addition, time works against wood biofuel projects in the U.S. when evaluating wood feedstock strategies and alternatives. As a group, these firms have shrinking relevance to timberland owners and wood raw material competitors.

The May/June/July 2013 issue will be useful for investors, analysts, and executives interested in wood bioenergy markets in the United States, especially regional considerations for wood bioenergy investments. For more information on a subscription to WBUS, including the full product list, please click here.

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