Transportation Fuels from Wood


Investment and Market Implications of Current Projects and Technologies Transportation Fuels from Wood


Forisk Consulting and the Schiamberg Group have conducted a multi-client study to assess the wood-based liquid transportation fuel sector in the continental United States.  This research evaluates projects based on technology risk, with profiles of firms, wood markets and technologies.  Closely associated with cellulosic ethanol and wood-based bio-diesels, this sector is central to forecasts of wood bioenergy supplies, increased demand for wood in select states and local timber markets, and private sector energy investments.

Specifically, this study addresses the following questions:

  1. What are the core technologies in use and in development in the US for
    producing liquid fuels for transportation from wood raw materials?
  2. What are the status (timing) and commercial viability of the technologies in
  3. Given this understanding of the technologies, what can be said about the
    operating, in development and publicly-announced liquid fuels wood bioenergy
    projects in the US?
  4. How would this understanding affect forecasted wood biomass demand related to
    liquid fuel projects by US region and nationally through 2021?
  5. What are the implications for timberland owners?
Who should read this research?

Investors, firms and economic development professionals that have interest or capital at risk in wood bioenergy, cellulosic ethanol projects, wood raw material supplies and timber markets.

  • 36 individual projects covered, including those associated with BlueFire Ethanol, Coskata, Range Fuels, KiOR, ZeaChem and others.
  • 12 technology types, including gasification and microbial processes; gasification and chemical processes; hydrolysis and fermentation using dilute or concentrated acids; consolidated bioprocessing; catalytic fast pryolysis and others.
  • Original Cost:  $1,250 per firm. Cost as of May, 2012: $500 per firm.
  • Format: electronic/pdf.
About Forisk and the Schiamberg Group

Forisk provides forward-looking analysis for timberland investments, wood markets and bioenergy projects.  Forisk publishes Wood Bioenergy US and Wood Bioenergy Shapefiles, which track all wood bioenergy projects in the continental US. The Schiamberg Group provides technical evaluations and applications development to companies across the life sciences and alternative energy industries, with an emphasis on the commercialization of emerging technologies such as cellulosic ethanol.

For more information, please contact Brooks Mendell at

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