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5th “Wood Flows and Cash Flows” Conference on September 2nd, 2021

North America’s forest industry is closing in on two decades of significant capacity relocation. Not only is this reflected in the expansion of sawmill, panel and pellet capacity in the South, but also in the fact that timberland owners have packages on the market in all major U.S. regions. For forest owners and wood-using firms, most of these investments support a long-term view on the sustainability of our forest industry.

In making these investments, timberland owners and manufacturing executives rely on sustainably turning wood flows into cash flows.

Forisk’s Annual “Wood Flows & Cash Flows” Conference will happen virtually this Thursday (September 2nd) and will address several themes relevant to industry investors, executives and analysts:

  • Timberland Financing, Forecasts & Forest Carbon reviews the performance of industry forecasts, summarizes financial issues/key questions related to timberland valuations and discusses the status of emerging markets for timber such as forest carbon. 
  • Timberland transaction trends across North America,including timberland investment deal flow and key ownership changes over the last 12 months.
  • Facilitated panel of forest industry executivesfrom three regions and three sectors to share views on the status of wood fiber markets and the implications on forest industry investments.
  • Forest Operations: Supply Chain Costs and Silviculture reviews stress on the forest industry supply chain and summarizes investments into silviculture in the U.S. South and Northwest by firm type, including Forisk’s newest findings from 2021.
  • Mill Investments and Ranking Wood Baskets reviews current and projected forest industry capacity by sector across North America and summarizes how to use forest supplies and capital investment trends when ranking markets for timberland and mill investments.


Can’t make it on September 2nd? No problem! This event will be recorded for you to view afterwards. Registration by September 1st is still required if you cannot attend live. To learn more and to register, click here.

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