Timberland Investments and the Strategic Role of Technology

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Mid-way through a ninth year of increasing housing starts and growing lumber consumption, timberland investors and forest owners in the U.S. South continue to struggle with flat and, in certain local markets, falling sawlog prices. Previous posts discuss how this more…

Pulp and Circumstance: Factors Strengthening the Competitiveness and Reducing the Risk of Pulp Producers in the U.S. South

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Risk Management, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Wood Demand & Procurement

This post summarizes Forisk research from 2015 assessing pulpwood markets and the relative competitiveness of the pulp and paper sector in the U.S. South. Phone rings. Timberland investor asks, “Hey, is the pulp sector in the U.S. South at risk?” more…