Prices and Present Value: From Trans Ams to Timberlands

| no comments in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Flows & Cash Flows

When inflation rises, people talk about it. In my calls with forest industry investors and executives, these discussions center on current and future costs, prices, and cash flows. Generally, I observe that inflation increases fear by fogging the crystal ball more…

Ode to Alternative Assets: Timberland Investments, Liquidity, and Inflation

| comments (2) in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Risk Management, Timberlands

Markets for alternative, specialized assets – like vintage water pistols, 101-year-old scotch, and drivable Corvairs – must overcome high “search costs” to match suitable, qualified buyers and sellers. The abilities to evaluate, value, and manage such assets comprise a Rubik’s more…