Timber REITs: Weyerhaeuser Timber Segment Positioned to Outperform South-wide Average

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Two-thirds of the nearly 6.2 million acres that Weyerhaeuser (WY) owns and leases in the United States are located in the South.  Our Equity Research team matched WY’s timberland acres to Forisk’s state-by-state forecast of stumpage prices and wood demand more…

Potential Impacts on Timberland Investors from FDIC Proposals on Risk Retention and Mortgage Markets

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Recent comments by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Sheila Blair regarding minimum down-payments of up to 20% for “qualified residential mortgages” (QRM) echoed discussions about residential housing markets at the UGA Timberland Investment Conference.  Our Equity Research Team (Neena more…

Timber Forecast: Sawtimber Prices Expected to Recover in 2012-2013; Pulpwood Driven by Bioenergy and OSB

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Our team at Forisk just released its 2011 timber (stumpage) forecast for pine sawtimber and pulpwood for the US South and by state.  Overall, we show increasing demand for wood raw materials and higher pine stumpage prices for forest owners more…

Sawtimber Prices Expected to Recover in 2010-2011 for US South, yet results vary by state

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Turbulent times characterized by plummeting pine sawtimber prices could soon be over for timber sellers.  Forisk’s new stumpage price forecast signals climbing prices for pine sawtimber in the US South beginning in 2010.  The ForiskFORECAST pine sawtimber price forecast, which includes state-by-state forecasts more…