Regional and Local Sawtimber Supply Stories: Pacific Northwest vs South

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This is the fourth in a series related to the Q4 2018 Forisk Research Quarterly and Forisk’s annual “Wood Flows & Cash Flows” event on December 13th in Atlanta. This post includes an excerpt from the Q4 2018 Forisk Research Quarterly more…

Southern Timber Supplies: Investment Implications

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This is the fourth in a series related to Forisk’s Q2 2018 forest industry analysis and timber price forecasts for the United States and Canada. The post includes an excerpt from the Regional Summary: U.S. South chapter. Growth-to-drain analysis compares annual more…

Analyzing Timber Markets and Wood Baskets for Procurement and Investment Applications

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A successful timber market analysis answers two questions. One, what are the “facts on the ground” for this market or wood basket? This helps profile the market with respect to forest supplies and wood demand. The timber suppliers and wood-using more…

Forecasting Stumpage Prices and Timberland Investment Performance Requires Local Knowledge of Wood Demand

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Last week, I met with the CEO of one of world’s largest forest management and consulting firms.  We ended up discussing a mutually perplexing question, “why do some timberland investors prioritize macro issues like housing at the expense of understanding more…