2016 Silviculture Survey: Forest Management Practices of Private Timberland Investors and Managers in the U.S. South


SKU: survey2

2016 Silviculture Survey: Forest Management Practices of Private Timberland Investors and Managers in the U.S. South


Forisk’s third survey of southern silvicultural practices introduces our first effort to benchmark the costs of overhead and land management activities. We surveyed the management practices of institutional and industrial timberland owners and managers responsible for over 16 million acres from Virginia to Texas. This report provides a comparison of silvicultural treatments including site preparation, planting, harvesting, and fertilization across three sub-regions, as well as comparisons to previous surveys over the past four years. In addition, the costs of both management practices and overhead are provided. Data is also provided on recreational leases, certification, and forest inventory practices.



Price: $1,500

Format: PDF Download

Product Categories: Benchmarking Studies ,