Annual Subscription Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ)


Forisk delivers all of its industry analysis and forecasts in a single, quarterly report package, the Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ).

This includes price forecasts, economic analysis, industry research, and project databases. One of the main ways that firms participate in Forisk’s research program is by subscribing to the Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ). The FRQ combines a thorough coverage of North America’s forest industry with localized analysis and forecasts. The primary benefits are:

  1. The ability to apply forecasts and datasets to specific timber and wood markets; and
  2. Access to Forisk’s consulting and market analysis services.

How the FRQ Supports Timberland Firms and Investors:

The FRQ includes the state and market-specific analysis and forecasts of timberland ownership and wood markets required to support acquisitions and divestitures.  The tracking and screening of forest industry capital investments and capacity support strategic planning and budgeting, helping firms prioritize markets and allocate capital.  State-specific price forecasts and tracking of forest operations support forest management and log marketing. Current updates on timber markets, trade and economic trends provide context for educating suppliers and investors.

How the FRQ Supports Wood-Using Firms:

The FRQ includes the state and market-specific analysis and forecasts of wood supplies and costs required to support strategic planning and budgeting for executives and wood procurement managers. The screening of forest industry capital investments and wood bioenergy projects support competitor analysis and risk management, helping firms prioritize capital within and across wood-using facilities in North America. Current updates on wood use, trade and economic trends provide context for educating customers, suppliers and investors.

Forisk Research Quarterly Contents

  • Feature Articles by Forisk’s researchers, with new industry-related topics each quarter.
  • Macro Update: analysis and scoring of key economic variables including GDP, inflation, employment and others.
  • Housing Update: analysis of housing markets by type and region for the U.S. and Canada.
  • Lumber: breakdown and projections of softwood and hardwood production, consumption, trade and capacity by region and market.
  • Structural Panels: breakdown and projections of plywood and OSB production, consumption, trade and capacity by region and market.
  • Pulp & Paper: breakdown and projections by major grade of production, trade and capacity by region and market.
  • Wood Bioenergy: breakdown and projections for pellets, power and liquid fuels of capacity and wood use by region and market.
  • Log Exports: analysis by port and destination of U.S. log exports for softwood and hardwood.
  • Timberland: ongoing tracking of transactions, ownership and investment performance for private timberlands and publicly traded REITs.
  • Forest Operations: ongoing research of regional silviculture practices and costs, technology shifts and harvesting operations.
  • Timber and Wood Pricing: forecasts for multiple scenarios by product and specie by market and scenario.

FRQ Deliverables

In addition to the full quarterly research report, subscribers receive:


  • Executive summary report and PowerPoint;
  • Interactive, Excel-based price forecasts by year, product, market and scenario;
  • Data file and figures for key historical trends and projections;
  • Database of “screened” U.S. wood bioenergy projects;
  • List of announced U.S. forest industry capacity changes.


  • Updated list of private North American timberland owners and managers with 10,000+ acres, including acres by region and state;
  • Updated analysis of forest supplies by state and region.

Want more information?

To learn more or to subscribe to the FRQ, please contact Nick DiLuzio ( or Heather Clark (

Product Categories: Stumpage Price Forecasts , Timber REITs and Equity Research , Timberland Ownership ,