Forisk’s Custom Market Forecast (CMF)


Forisk’s Custom Market Forecast (CMF) provides market-specific analyses and price/cost forecasts of a client’s wood baskets or timber markets in the US South and Pacific Northwest. The CMF leverages models from the Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ) to deliver timely and cost-efficient market-specific analyses for clients.

Deliverables include a dashboard-style report and corresponding Excel file with price/cost forecasts for each individual market ordered by the client. The client works directly with Forisk to select the counties and create customized market areas tailored to their needs.

Firms that purchase the Custom Market Forecast (CMF) will receive two CMF reports per year per market. The first CMF is delivered soon after the initial order, and then you receive an updated CMF report and data for your market(s) about 6 months later.

The CMF is only available to firms that have a current subscription to the Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ).

What is Included and Available with a Custom Market Forecast (CMF)?

  • Customized Markets.
    • For each CMF market, clients develop a custom market area for analysis in collaboration with the Forisk team.
  • Top Consumers.
    • US South: The top five grade and pulp consumers by wood use in the custom market area.
    • US West: The top five grade and fiber consumers by wood use in the custom market area.
  • Supply and Demand Annual Growth Rates.
    • US South: Forisk’s projected 10-year Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) are listed for supply and demand for pine sawtimber, pine pulpwood, hardwood sawtimber, and hardwood pulpwood.
    • US West: Forisk’s projected 10-year Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) are listed for supply (private softwood sawlogs) and demand (domestic and export sawlogs).
  • Price Forecasts.
    • US South: Forisk’s 10-year stumpage price projections are included for pine sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw (CNS), pine pulpwood, hardwood sawtimber, and hardwood pulpwood. Delivered Forecasts tailored to the client’s market(s) in the US South are available for an additional fee.
    • US West: Forisk’s 10-year delivered price projections are included for Douglas-fir sawlogs, Hemlock sawlogs, Douglas-fir export logs, and Hemlock export logs.
  • Demand Projections.
    • US South: Demand projections for pine sawtimber and pine pulpwood using four different modeling scenarios.
    • US West: Demand projections for domestic and export softwood sawtimber using three different modeling scenarios.
  • Supply Projections.
    • US South: Supply projections for pine pulpwood, pine chip-n-saw, and pine sawtimber.
    • US West: Supply projections for private softwood sawlog inventory.
  • Growth-to-Drain.
    • US South only: Forisk’s projected 10-year Total Pine Growth to Drain ratio is shown with the supply projections.


Strategic CMF Offering

In addition to the standard Custom Market Forecast (CMF) offering, firms that subscribe to the Forisk Research Quarterly have the option to order “Strategic CMFs” for projects that need an even greater degree of customization.

The Strategic CMF leverages the underlying data and models of the standard CMF (detailed above) to customize data options and scenarios that fit specific client needs. The Strategic CMF serves requests related to comparing markets, ranking markets, screening markets for due diligence, portfolio analysis or tracking, and strategic planning. It includes enhanced or non-standard deliverables for boards, investors, financiers, and executives. Deliverables are tailored to the client’s needs and may include a slide deck, Excel backup data, a written report or memo, and/or a presentation call. With the Strategic CMF, clients can select any combination of CMF components to build their custom project. Contact Forisk to learn more.


Want more information?

To learn more about the Custom Market Forecast or schedule a demo for your team, please contact Nick DiLuzio (

Product Categories: Stumpage Price Forecasts ,