Timberland Investments: Physical Facts Affect Technology, Tariffs, and Trying to Increase Harvests from Public Forests

| comment (1) in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Forest Strategy, Forest Technology, Risk Management, Softwood Lumber, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

This post includes themes from the (virtual) Applied Forest Finance course on April 3rd, 2025. Early registration ends March 20th! Over the past 30 years, the ownership and management of private industrial forestland has changed. Fewer forest owning firms are more…

Timberland, Tech, and Trends with Brooks Mendell

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Recently, Dr. Brooks Mendell (President and CEO of Forisk Consulting) participated in an interview with Dr. Aaron Shew, Director of Data Science at Acres, to discuss the timberland industry. Watch the full interview and catch a few key takeaways below. more…

Wood Demand Revisited: Bioenergy, Building Products, and Carbon Markets

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Forisk’s Annual “Wood Flows & Cash Flows” Conference will happen virtually on Thursday, August 25th. In addition to covering financial issues related to timberland investments, stress on the forest industry supply chain, and projected forest industry capacity by sector across North America, the event more…

Western Wildfire Impacts: Findings from the 2021 Western Silviculture Survey

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This post highlights featured research from the Q3 2021 Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ), which includes forest industry analysis and timber price forecasts for North America. Each year we collect data on silviculture practices of large landowners and managers, alternating annually more…

How to Make Better Investment Decisions? Understand How Things Work

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At the heart of research and analysis is curiosity. We study issues, challenges, systems, risks and opportunities to understand how they work. And from this understanding, we position ourselves to make better decisions and take action. This approach covers all more…

Forest Industry Q&A: Lumber Prices versus Timber Prices and Other Recent Topics

| comments (3) in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Forest Strategy, Forest Technology, Forisk, Softwood Lumber, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Prices

Each week, our team communicates with dozens of forest industry professionals and investors. At times, these discussions reveal patterns or highlight concerns common across sectors and regions. This post shares and answers versions of three of the most consistently asked more…