Q1 2024 Forisk Wood Fiber Review: PNW Residual Chip Prices Continue Downward Trend; Whole-Log Chip Production Regaining Momentum

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This blog includes data from the Forisk Wood Fiber Review, a quarterly publication tracking North America’s major wood fiber markets. For more information, please visit www.forisk.com. At first glance, the Q1 2024 increase in whole-log chip prices might look like that portion more…

Top Forisk Blog Posts from 2023: Forest Finance, Lumber Leaders, and Mass Timber

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Visitor traffic on the Forisk Blog in 2023 increased 12.8% over 2022. Thank you for reading and sharing this content with others! Here are top posts from 2023, along with a few popular posts by topic: Pros and Cons of more…

Q4 2023 Forisk Wood Fiber Review: Chip Prices Continue to Fall as Demand Wanes in the Pacific Northwest

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This blog includes data from the Forisk Wood Fiber Review, a quarterly publication tracking North America’s major wood fiber markets. For more information, please visit www.forisk.com. There are plenty of residual chips available in the northwest US, with consuming mills reporting more…

Q3 2023 Forisk Wood Fiber Review: Soft Product Markets Continue to Affect Fiber Prices and Woodyard Inventories

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Forisk Wood Fiber Review, Pulp & Paper, Wood Demand & Procurement, Wood Prices

This blog includes data from the Forisk Wood Fiber Review, a quarterly publication tracking North America’s major wood fiber markets. For more information, please visit www.forisk.com. Usually, at least one market in the forest industry is hot: lumber, paper, packaging, veneer, specialty more…

Q2 2023 Forisk Wood Fiber Review: Paper and Packaging’s Slowdown Is Starting to Impact U.S. Wood Prices

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This blog includes data from the Forisk Wood Fiber Review, a quarterly publication tracking North America’s major wood fiber markets. For more information, please visit www.forisk.com. The paper and packaging slowdown has reached into a third consecutive quarter and has more…