Useful Timber Market Research Tells a Story: Join Us for “Wood Flows & Cash Flows”

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Often, there is a “better” way to do things. It doesn’t really matter if you put your pants on with the leg left first or the right, but it is easier to put your pants on before your shoes. Early in more…

Wood Demand Revisited: Bioenergy, Building Products, and Carbon Markets

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Forisk’s Annual “Wood Flows & Cash Flows” Conference will happen virtually on Thursday, August 25th. In addition to covering financial issues related to timberland investments, stress on the forest industry supply chain, and projected forest industry capacity by sector across North America, the event more…

6th “Wood Flows and Cash Flows” Conference on August 25th, 2022

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Regional forest industry fundamentals are known by those in the business. The moving of softwood lumber capacity across North America from Western Canada and the Northwest to the U.S. South, changes in timberland ownership, and factors driving pulp fiber costs comprise a few. However, the more…

Prices and Present Value: From Trans Ams to Timberlands

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When inflation rises, people talk about it. In my calls with forest industry investors and executives, these discussions center on current and future costs, prices, and cash flows. Generally, I observe that inflation increases fear by fogging the crystal ball more…

Forest Industry Outlook: Have a Point of View Based on Data and Scenarios

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The biology and science of growing trees has an uneasy and inconsistent relationship with the economics of pricing timber. Like hair, forests grow. Unfortunately, U.S. wood use declined 34% during the Great Recession. Fortunately, over the past five years alone, more…

Top Forisk Blog Posts from 2020: Forest Finance, Largest Lumber Firms, Long-Term Forecasts and Logging Capacity

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Visitor traffic on the Forisk Blog increased 24% in 2020 over 2019, for an eighth consecutive year of growth. Thank you! Here are top posts from 2020, along with a few popular posts by topic: Forest Finance: What Does a more…