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Top Forisk Blog Posts from 2022: Forest Finance, Largest Lumber Firms, and Structural Panels

Visitor traffic on the Forisk Blog in 2022 was the second highest in company history. Thank you for reading and sharing this content with others! Here are top posts from 2022, along with a few popular posts by topic:

  1. Pros and Cons of Using Net Present Value (NPV)
    1. Published in May 2020, this post, which took the top spot for the second consecutive year, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of applying and interpreting NPV generally and for forestry investments.
    2. Note: I cover this and related (forest) finance applications and topics in the upcoming “Applied Forest Finance” (virtual) workshop on May 16th, 2023.
  2. Who’s Who in Lumber: Top 10 U.S. Lumber Producers
    1. Posted in March 2017, this consistently popular snapshot of U.S. softwood lumber capacity comes from Forisk’s database of North American forest industry capacity.
    2. Note: Amanda Lang posted an update to the rankings in December 2021 for the U.S. and all of North America.
  3. Sawmill Investment Update: Map of U.S. South Expansions
    1. The first “newcomer” to the list, Amanda Lang posted this in June 2022. It includes a map of existing and announced softwood lumber mills in the U.S. South.
  4. Forest Finance: What Does a Negative or Zero NPV Say About My Potential Timberland Investment?
    1. This brief post dropped out of the top three for the first time since hitting the web in January 2013. The core finance question drives traffic to this post, while the timberland angle comes along for the ride.
  5. Top 10 North American Structural Panel Producers
    1. This May 2021 post includes top ten rankings and capacities by firm for both plywood and OSB producers in North America based on data from Forisk’s Forest Industry Capacity database.


Top 2022 Blog on Forest Operations

Inflation and Logging Costs by Shawn Baker (May 2022)

Top 2022 Blog on Wood Bioenergy

Wood Pellet Plant Capacity in North America by Amanda Lang and Stephen Wright (March 2022)

Top 2022 Blog on Timberland Owners

North America’s Top Timberland Owners and Managers, 2022 Update by Tyler Reeves (May 2022).

Top 2022 Blog on Forest Carbon

Forest Carbon as a Portfolio Asset by Brooks Mendell (January 2022)

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