Wood Bioenergy: Location Dictates Investment Potential

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Regardless the policy mandates and investor interests, regional analysis of US bioenergy markets highlights how specific geographies provide superior access to raw material and infrastructure resources for supporting high growth investment opportunities.  The costs associated with locating and building wood bioenergy more…

Southern Yellow Pine “Design Values”: Likely Impacts of Changes are Overstated

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Amanda Lang recently presented an overview of timber markets and wood bioenergy demand at the Southeastern Society of American Foresters Meeting at Jekyll Island, Georgia.  Here is an excerpt specific to the topic of Southern Yellow Pine “Design Values”: The more…

What Can Marching Bands Teach Us About Tracking Wood Demand and Timber Markets?

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When tracking wood demand and timber markets, we look not only to the past and to the future for guidance, but also to the side – peripherally – to gauge performance across markets and sectors.  Heather Clark, our Customer Relations more…

Forecasting Stumpage Prices and Timberland Investment Performance Requires Local Knowledge of Wood Demand

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Last week, I met with the CEO of one of world’s largest forest management and consulting firms.  We ended up discussing a mutually perplexing question, “why do some timberland investors prioritize macro issues like housing at the expense of understanding more…

Forisk Adds Cogeneration, Thermal Facilities and Urban Wood Use to Tracking of Bioenergy Sector

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This year, Amanda Lang, our Director of Wood Bioenergy Research, has led efforts to enhance the investment-relevant insights from Wood Bioenergy US, the Forisk publication that tracks all announced and operating wood-using bioenergy projects in the US.  As of the September more…