Top Forisk Blog Posts from 2023: Forest Finance, Lumber Leaders, and Mass Timber

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Visitor traffic on the Forisk Blog in 2023 increased 12.8% over 2022. Thank you for reading and sharing this content with others! Here are top posts from 2023, along with a few popular posts by topic: Pros and Cons of more…

Russo-Ukrainian Conflict: An Update on Russian Pellet Flows and Spot Prices

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Following the start of the conflict, many western countries and their allies imposed strict economic sanctions on Russia and many major European utilities halted biomass purchases from Russia, as discussed in the Q2 2022 FRQ. According to data from FutureMetrics, more…

Q4 2023 Forisk Wood Fiber Review: Chip Prices Continue to Fall as Demand Wanes in the Pacific Northwest

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This blog includes data from the Forisk Wood Fiber Review, a quarterly publication tracking North America’s major wood fiber markets. For more information, please visit There are plenty of residual chips available in the northwest US, with consuming mills reporting more…

Timberland, Tech, and Trends with Brooks Mendell

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Recently, Dr. Brooks Mendell (President and CEO of Forisk Consulting) participated in an interview with Dr. Aaron Shew, Director of Data Science at Acres, to discuss the timberland industry. Watch the full interview and catch a few key takeaways below. more…