
Forisk’s ongoing research program supports products related to wood bioenergy, forest industry analysis and forecasting, and timberland ownership.

Subscribers include analysts, investors and senior executives working with forest industry manufacturers and associations, timberland investors, wood bioenergy firms, institutions and government agencies.

Specific products include:


Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ)

Forisk delivers all of its industry analysis and forecasts in a single, quarterly report package, the Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ). This package includes price forecasts, economic analysis, industry research, and project databases.

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Forisk Mill Capacity Database and Multi-Client Studies

Forisk produces the North American Forest Industry Capacity Database Subscription and Snapshot. The Mill Capacity Database includes location, capacity, current wood use, and product data on over 2,300 wood-using mills in North America (US and Canada), along with announced and planned capacity changes or greenfield mill construction over the next two years by firm, mill type and geography.

Forisk also publishes Multi-Client Studies and White Papers that provide verified data and objective analysis to support strategic and operational plans for wood-using mills or timberlands in the U.S. and Canada.

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Forisk Wood Fiber Review

The Wood Fiber Review includes price data on pulpwood, wood chips, and biomass by region for the U.S. and Canada, in addition to market information and data on regional wood fiber markets and trade statistics for lumber, logs, wood pellets, wood chips, and pulp.

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Wood Bioenergy US

Forisk tracks, screens, and analyzes all wood-using bioenergy projects and sectors in the United States. While the full research is only available to subscribers of the Forisk Research Quarterly, Forisk’s Wood Bioenergy US project database and previous issues of Wood Bioenergy US (WBUS) are available for standalone purchase. For the free Wood Bioenergy US Summary, click here.
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Timberland Owner List

The 2024 Forisk Timberland Owner List includes over 300 of the largest private timberland owners and managers in the United States and Canada that own 10,000 acres or more. The list includes key contacts by firm with contact information as well as acres owned by region and, to the extent possible, by state or Canadian province. Investment managers or consultants can use this list to generate new client leads as well as track timberland ownership in the US. This product is part of Forisk’s ongoing research program of timberland investment vehicles and is updated annually.
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Benchmarking Studies

As part of our research program, Forisk has administered surveys of forest industry firms to benchmark performance and costs. These studies offer the potential to compare against a group of industry participants with region-specific data. While individualized benchmarking analyses are only available to firms that participate in the surveys, detailed reports on the data are available here. Initial studies focus primarily on silvicultural and land management practices and costs.


Forisk Press publishes books for furthering education on the topics of forest finance, bioenergy, and business development and communications. All publications are available to purchase online directly from Forisk or on Amazon.