Analyzing Timber Markets to Customize Forecasts and Make Investment Decisions

| no comments in Custom Market Forecast, Forest Strategy, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

In the forest industry, we study timber markets and the underlying data to understand relationships and risks. For timberland investing and the procurement of wood, systematic frameworks and proven processes help us analyze and compare markets and wood baskets to more…

Local Timber Supply and Growth-to-Drain in the U.S. South

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This post is the first in a series related to the Q3 2024 Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ), which includes forest industry analysis and timber price forecasts for North America. The post includes excerpts from the Feature Article. Introduction Forisk’s clients have more…

Has Russia followed through with its 2022 log export ban?

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Timber Supply

In the Q2 2022 FRQ, we discussed Russia’s self-imposed ban on exporting “wood in the rough” starting in early 2022, in hopes of spurring their internal forest products industry. At that time, imports into the EU Trade Zone and China more…

Timberland, Tech, and Trends with Brooks Mendell

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Forest Technology, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement, Wood Flows & Cash Flows

Recently, Dr. Brooks Mendell (President and CEO of Forisk Consulting) participated in an interview with Dr. Aaron Shew, Director of Data Science at Acres, to discuss the timberland industry. Watch the full interview and catch a few key takeaways below. more…