Timberland, Tech, and Trends with Brooks Mendell

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Forest Technology, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement, Wood Flows & Cash Flows

Recently, Dr. Brooks Mendell (President and CEO of Forisk Consulting) participated in an interview with Dr. Aaron Shew, Director of Data Science at Acres, to discuss the timberland industry. Watch the full interview and catch a few key takeaways below. more…

Balancing Data and Judgment when Analyzing Timber Markets

| comments (2) in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Risk Management, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

Timber Market Analysis offers an organized, systematic way of (1) specifying a question related to forest industry investments or operations; (2) gathering and evaluating fundamental wood supply and demand information; and (3) using this to answer the question as best more…

Assessing Mill Health and Risk when Evaluating Timber Markets and Wood Baskets

| no comments in Risk Management, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Bioenergy, Wood Demand & Procurement

When analyzing timber markets and wood baskets for forest industry, bioenergy, and timberland investments, a key topic is the “riskiness”, viability, and competitiveness of nearby wood-using facilities.  Timberland investors want to confirm that announced mills get built and existing mills more…

Forest Products and the Economics of Timber Markets, Part II

| comments (4) in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Forest Strategy, Softwood Lumber, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

This post, the second of a two-part series, includes topics covered in the (virtual) Timber Market Analysis course on October 11th and 12th, 2023 and in the Forisk Research Quarterly. Also, for those interested in this type of research, please more…

Forest Products and the Economics of Timber Markets, Part I

| no comments in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Risk Management, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Bioenergy, Wood Flows & Cash Flows

This post includes topics covered in the (virtual) Timber Market Analysis course on October 11th and 12th, 2023 and in the Forisk Research Quarterly. Also, for those interested in conducting this type of research, please check out Forisk’s forest economist more…

Timber Time Travel: Lessons from the Past to Inform the Future

| no comments in Softwood Lumber, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Supply, Wood Prices

This post is the fourth in a series related to the Q1 2023 Forisk Research Quarterly (FRQ). It references our featured research on pulpwood and sawtimber price drivers. Each year we evaluate our forecast models to understand what went well more…

New Rankings of U.S. Markets Score Forest Industry Investment Opportunities for Timberlands, Sawmills, and Pulpwood Users

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Pulp & Paper, Risk Management, Softwood Lumber, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

Where in the U.S. should investors put capital to work in the forest industry? New research from Forisk ranks local markets and shows how the answer differs for timberland investors, sawtimber consumers, and users of pulpwood. For example, rankings highlight more…

Data Does Not Speak for Itself: Simple Frameworks and Ranking Timber Markets

| no comments in Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Strategy, Forisk, Risk Management, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Demand & Procurement

While raw data is important, it can also be insufficient. Each day, the world produces a staggering amount of information, which does not speak for itself. How do we think through the noise to find helpful signals and apply our more…

Turning Wood Flows into Cash Flows: Key Messages from the 2022 Conference

| no comments in Forest Carbon, Forest Finance & Economics, Forest Operations, Forisk, Forisk Market Bulletin, Forisk Wood Fiber Review, Pulp & Paper, Softwood Lumber, Stumpage Forecasting, Timber Market Analysis, Timber Supply, Timberlands, Wood Bioenergy, Wood Demand & Procurement, Wood Flows & Cash Flows

On August 25th, 2022, Forisk hosted its sixth annual “Wood Flows & Cash Flows” conference, with attendees participating virtually from across 22 states, three Canadian provinces and three continents. The one-day event provided a comprehensive review of research relevant to more…